My advice for the young.
Whilst this may not be politically correct to say, many dumb people spend 4% more on gambling than food. I of course appreciate many don't drink, gamble or smoke and for no fault of their own can't save for retirement. My conclusion is being able to save for retirement for many is a privalige. I appreciate many have no job security, and work for wages not large enough to save. However whilst full sympathy, it is still wise to be " positive" and think about " house purchase" if possible rather than to rent. The fact is every 10 years the value of property doubles, as does paying rent which gives you nothing back.
Anyway bringing this thread back to " Jehovers Witness" related, if you are a young witness pioneering, don't be another victim. As a pioneer you have great communication skills, and the opportunity to make a future for yourself, and your future family. Don't blow it
The fact is NO EDUCATION AND NO DEGREE DOES NOT MEEN NO FUTURE. ( even if you can't spell mean) I honestly believe if a person has a lot of determination, and a nice friendly disposition the world can open some wonderful doors.
The Rebel.
p.s I would like to add TWO interesting statistics.
1) In England 80% of wealth is inherited.
2) In central London council flats will soon be worth £ 1,0000000. Those single mums who were given a free flat in the eighties simply for getting pregnant are now " millionaires" if they took up the " right to buy scheme"
Therefore the " Rebels" money advice for the young, it's a crazy world, and living in the capital of any country is always a good first step to making money. Why? Simply because it's where the money is.
The Rebel.